Law enforcement sector

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The Law Enforcement Sector, consisting of qualified individuals that are empowered and equipped to act, undertake or oversee the undertaking of, or, putting and ensuring that the prevailing laws, rules, regulations, and statutes into effect; the execution of a law or a body of rules of action or conduct prescribed by the controlling authority, having binding legal force; the carrying out of a mandate or command that has been laid down, ordained, or established.

Mandate: Infrabanx Corporation financial services agencies are required to abide by the bureau of investigation (namely the "Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and all relevant law enforcement agencies), and as such each Infrabanx is mandated to aid and substantially support enforcement agencies to deal with: (a) Economic crime prevention; (b) Enforce laws and statutes; Protect governmental revenues; (c) Protect foreign investors' investments and revenues; (d) Prevent commercial and security fraud; (e) Eliminate Electronic technological crime; (f) Legally Proceed and process criminal activities such as funds derived from money laundering and corruption practices, et cetera); (g) Help ensure Currency counterfeiting are identified; and (h) Enforcement of International, federal, provincial/state laws.

Function: From time to time, each Infrabanx Agency is required to provide technical support, through the liaison officers, to domestic and international law enforcement agencies in the prevention and detection of offences to: (a) State / provincial, territorial, national and international laws; (b) Liases with criminal police agencies and related institutions; (c) Provide vital operational support services to legal compliance issues; (d) Co-ordinate compliance related activities related to domestic and international enforcement agencies with respect to a given project that is being processed through its system, as required by law; and prevent, and where permitted by law, investigate commercial crime.

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