

Infrabanx Agency ("the Agency"), an Infrabanx Corporation special purpose infrastructure vehicle that is used to further economic development by encouraging growth of eligible host countries and their emerging market enterprises through the implementation and fulfillment of its resources appreciation mandate, with respect to secured business investment and project sponsorship. In carrying out this purpose:

  1. International Forum. The Agency shall utilize Infrabanx.Agency international forum for its qualified Banks, Institutions, Pitcapital™, Servicers and Strategic Partners that are deemed registered members and participants;

  2. Single Access Point. The Agency and its participating banks, information processors, and servicers shall utilize international platform as a single access point to the host country’s business investment opportunities, with the necessary assurances of getting all the protections and comforts of doing business in the host country, providing pro-active investors support, by a highly skilled, multi-lingual team of professionals;

  3. Stimulating. The Agency shall stimulate the host country’s government (including their subdivisions), entrepreneurs and employers to create and promote conditions conducive to the flow of capital, both domestic and foreign, into prolific investments in the host country, and the transfer of the most advanced technologies;

  4. Innovative Solutions. The Agency shall provide innovative and comprehensive knowledge-based solutions for investors and business, doing business with or in the host country, by providing a supervised ideal electronic platform that processes both physical and dematerialized securities, be it in the form of registered or bearer;

  5. Converting Factual Information into insight. The Agency shall help or cause to be helped the host country’s qualified entrepreneurs and business to turn their factual information into insight to develop conclusive, fact-based strategies that will help to gain a comprehensive edge, while assuring that investments are protected and provide the promised yield;

  6. Access to Funds and Securities. Where permitted by law, the Agency shall provide (a) mobilization, (b) promotion, (c) guarantee services, and (d) technical assistance programs that permit the host country and prolific enterprises therein to have access to a pool of funds and assets obligated to developing countries and emerging markets, as well as constituted entities to finance infrastructure projects, programs and systems of operations;

  7. Access to International Standards. The Agency shall provide, be it in whole or part via or otherwise facilitate its members and participants requirement to having access to international standards and banking practices for checking and authenticating securities and commercial papers, letters of credit, and bank documents. In addition, promote and establish a conducive policy and regulatory environment for private sector investment; and

  8. Products and Services. The Agency shall offer a variety of structures that are designed and tailored to meet the host country’s infrastructure and business advancement needs and requirements, in accordance with Infrabanx™'s set rules and regulations.

Where permitted by law, the Agency may offer its licensed members and/or participants' products and services that include:-

    • Achieving humanitarian objectives;
    • Longer maturates;
    • Access to International finance;
    • Expanded guarantee facility;
    • Commercial and sovereign risk coverage;
    • Information clearing and certification;
    • Team of seasoned professional equipped to perform;
    • Risk coverage that is positioned to bear guarantees;
    • Resources development;
    • Partial credit guarantee for public sector projects;
    • Image improvement (credibility, stability and credit rating);
    • Governmental performance guarantee and trade enhancement;
    • Guaranteed instruments, designed to attract market sources of co-financing; and,
    • Coverage for late maturates (principal and/or interest payment).

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